CMO Huddles

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Read Q&As with the top B2B marketers today in Drew's Ad Age column. 

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  • April 08, 2022 10:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 287: 3 Savvy CMOs Share SaaS Marketing Secrets

    SaaS is a 145 billion dollar industry that touches almost every aspect of our work lives. Even this podcast is brought to you by SaaS—a collection of 7+ tools to record, publish, and house countless marketing insights.

    You’d be hard-pressed to find a successful software product right now that isn’t either fully SaaS or migrating to it. There are 35,000 SaaS products from over 15,000 companies competing in over 740 vertical markets, which means there’s a noteworthy number of CMOs out there navigating a competitive market with massive growth potential.

    To help us understand what makes SaaS marketing such a distinct challenge are CMOs Grant Johnson of EmburseAli McCarthy of Skience, and former CMO of BynderAndrew Hally (he’s now CMO at Markforged). Tune in to hear how these CMOs have navigated the choppy waters of marketing SaaS and how they are using their past experiences to inform future decisions.

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • April 08, 2022 10:21 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    For Sitecore CMO Paige O’Neill, the arrival of a new CEO, the acquisition of four companies and a near doubling of the employee base in just 18 months meant one thing: It was time for the customer experience management company to rebrand.

    “With all the change, rapid expansion of our product portfolio, and new team members, it seemed like the right time to check in on our brand purpose and refresh our brand identity,” O’Neill said.

    Sitecore project was shaped by customers’ desire to stand out digitally

    Read the full Q&A on Ad Age: How Rebrand Followed Rapid Growth for Customer Experience Management Company

    Listen to the Episode: B2B Virtual Events Done Better | Interview Questions that Build Better Marketing Teams | Advice for CMOs in Their First 100 Days

  • March 25, 2022 10:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 285: What B2B CMOs Need to Know About Sales Enablement

    For many B2B companies, the sales process is broken yet the solution is remarkably simple. It’s time to treat buyers as collaboration partners instead of targets. Time to approach selling as something you do with a prospect rather than to them. Time to make selling more human and more effective in a world where more qualified leads is not resulting in higher win rates.

    Simple, right? But not easy. As laid out in Sales expert Andy Paul’s new book Sell Without Selling Out, it takes true courage to transform the current playbook, but those bold enough to take the leap will see shorter decision cycles and higher win rates, any B2B organization’s dream.

    In this episode, Andy shares how marketers are uniquely poised to enable sales teams through insights into buyer behavior—introducing a new way of selling that ditches “salesy” to make way for connection, curiosity, understanding, and generosity. Don’t miss it!

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • March 22, 2022 11:21 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Regular Huddles | Topic: Brand Building

    • Transition Team: April 5th, 1-2pm ET
    • Huddle A:  April 5th, 4-5pm ET
    • Huddle B: April 6th, 1-2pm ET
    • Huddle C: April 11th, 4-5pm ET
    • Huddle D: April 13th, 4-5pm ET
    • Make Good: April 19th, 11-12pm ET

    Bonus Huddle | Marketing Ops with Mike McKinnon, VP, WW Revenue Ops at LogRhythm and author of The Marketing Operations Handbook

    • Bonus Huddle: April 26th, 4-5pm ET
  • March 18, 2022 6:11 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 284: The Thrill of Being a B2B Startup CMO

    Are startup CMOs gluttons for punishment? The CMO role is tough enough these days, but strap on high expectations, limited resources, and the pressure of a low life expectancy for startups, and you’ve got yourself a real challenge.  

    For CMOs Allyson Havener of TrustRadius and Ajay Khanna of Explorium, startup is a way of life. They don’t see their roles as punishment; instead, they see an exciting opportunity to build something great in a fast-paced environment, with a close-knit team of others who are like family. Tune in to this fascinating episode to hear how both CMOs navigate their roles, standing up the marketing function while building a team and a brand with an eye towards long-term success. 

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • March 15, 2022 11:14 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    How did global consulting giant LTI launch its Canvas online collaboration platform in fewer than four months? According to Chief Marketing Officer Peeyush Dubey, it took shoshin, “a Zen Buddhism word that means ‘beginner's mind.’ We believe that anyone with a beginner's mind will be able to solve many more challenges than someone who is thinking like an expert.”

    While not what you’d expect to hear from a tech consulting firm with more than 42,000 employees serving 460 clients in 33 countries, it’s how Canvas was launched in record time during the pandemic. And it was Canvas that helped LTI change customer perceptions and accelerate growth.

    Starting with a blank slate led to fast-track development of LTI Canvas

    Read the full Q&A on Ad Age: How Zen Buddhism Helped Launch Tech Collaboration Platform in Record Time

    Listen to the Episode: LTI CMO: The Shoshin of Brand, Demand, and Expand

  • March 04, 2022 10:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 282: CFO Panel: Investing in the CMO Role

    For a locked room labeled “Marketing Spend,” the CFO holds the keys. And they aren’t going to be quick to hand them over, either. This all-important alliance depends on the CMO’s fluency in CFO-speak, AKA how $1 into marketing will equal more $$$ out. Luckily, it’s not too hard a language to pick up. 

    In this episode, we’re airing three Q&As with three CFOs who laid out their formulas for a great CMO/CFO alliance during a recent CMO Huddles Super Huddle (a bi-annual mega-huddle exclusively for our community of B2B CMOs). Tune in for some wonderful insights from Chris Andersen of Acquia, Nicole Anasenes of Ansys, and John Evarts (now President and COO) of Mediafly—insights that CMOs just might want to share with a CFO who’s on the fence about the power of marketing. 

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • February 25, 2022 9:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 281: Recruit, Retain, Rejoice: Upping Employee Experience

    What’s a B2B brand without employees? In a word, nothing. They are the lifeblood of any company—the ones who execute brilliant strategy, the ones who take care of your customers, the ones who represent your brand to the world. That’s what makes a renewed focus on employee experience (EX for short) so important, especially when The Great Resignation is a very real challenge today.

    In this episode, CMOs David Kirven of Reltio, Caroline Tien-Spalding of Aptology, and Michael Collins of CFA Institute share how their organizations are approaching employee retention, as well as how they are optimizing the recruiting process to bring on great employees faster. The show also covers the role brand plays in EX, what we can learn from people data, and the unique role C-Suite leaders play in recruiting and retention. Tune in!

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • February 24, 2022 9:58 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Super Huddle | The CMO/CRO Relationship

    Super Huddle IV: March 23rd, 1-3pm ET

    Regular Huddles | Topic: Sales Alignment/Enablement

    Transition Team: March 1st, 1-2pm ET

    Regular Huddle (Make Good for Super Huddle): March 15th, 12-1pm ET

    Bonus Huddle | Selling for CMOs with Andy Paul

    Bonus Huddle: March 1st, 4-5pm ET

    About Andy Paul: 

    Andy is on a mission to educate sales leaders and sales professionals about the power of continuous learning to transform how they perform.

    His podcast, Sales Enablement with Andy Paul is on the top of every list of the best sales podcasts with over 2 million downloads to date, and was on INC Magazine’s list of the top leadership podcasts.

    He's #8 on LinkedIn’s list of the Top 50 Global Sales Experts to follow, and his two award-winning books, Zero-Time Selling and Amp Up Your Sales, were both Amazon best-sellers.

    Andy has consulted with some of the biggest businesses in the world including Square, Philips, Grubhub, and more, making him one of the leading voices in the sales industry today.

    Bonus Huddle | Responding to Crisis (if/when/how)

    Bonus Huddle: March 30th, 12-1pm ET

  • February 18, 2022 9:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 280: A B2B CMO Asks, Drew Answers

    We’re switching things up for episode 280 of Renegade Marketers Unite. Instead of asking the questions, Drew will be answering them. Our special, stand-in host for this episode is Katrina Klier, CMO of PROS, who led the conversation for the benefit of her marketing team while taking a deep dive into Drew’s new book, Renegade Marketing: 12 Steps to Building Unbeatable B2B Brands

    This discussion covers everything from how to rethink marketing metrics, to how to justify B2B brand spend, to the book’s Clear Away the Clutter pledge. Drew also discusses B2B marketing trends in 2022 and more ideas gleaned from CMO Huddles, an elite community that unites and empowers a cross-section of B2B marketing executives to share, care, and dare each other to greatness. Check it out!

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

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