CMO Huddles

Bonus Huddle: Let's Discuss B2B Branding

November 18, 2022 10:03 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 319: B2B Brands: Cut Those Cognitive Calories!

“This is a critical thing about a powerful brand: It requires very few cognitive calories from their audience to remember it.”

The idea of “cognitive calories” resonated deeply with the CMOs attending the CMO Huddles Bonus Huddle (re: private Q&A) with Lindsay Pedersen, brand strategist and author of Forging an Ironclad Brand. In this episode, tune in to hear all of Lindsay’s illuminating insights into what it takes to create a truly sharp, memorable, and resonant B2B brand. It’s not to be missed. Tune in!

For full show notes and transcripts, visit 

CMO HUDDLES® INSPIRING B2B GREATNESS 1397 2nd Ave #177, New York, NY 10021

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