CMO Huddles

Huddler Shirley Macbeth on Ad Age

July 28, 2021 12:29 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

In the B-to-B community, Forrester has enjoyed strong awareness as a premium purveyor of expertise, but not so much for marketing its own brand. So, when Forrester acquired SiriusDecisions, another B-to-B research and advisory firm beloved for its “demand waterfall,” the executive team decided it was time to get its marketing act together and brought in CMO Shirley Macbeth to do just that.

Since Macbeth began in March 2020, just before lockdown, Forrester introduced a new product portfolio, “Forrester Decisions”; launched an employee orientation campaign, “Bold at Work;” and re-engineered its marketing to mirror the waterfall approach it preached to its customers. It also radically simplified its tech stack, pared down its persona list, re-oriented its employees on the new brand and no longer resemble the cobbler’s shoeless children.

CMO discusses new a product portfolio, an employee orientation campaign and paring the list of customer personas

Read the full Q&A on Ad Age: How Forrester Began Practicing the Marketing It Preaches

Listen to the Episode: Forrester CMO on Practicing What You Preach

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