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Read Q&As with the top B2B marketers today in Drew's Ad Age column. 

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  • October 08, 2021 12:49 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 261: How to Serve Your B2B Customers When They Need You

    Of the B2B brands that became essential post-COVID, ABM Industries sweeps up. Literally. No, this isn’t a show about Account-Based Marketing per se; it’s about a facility services company that stepped up during a time of need to ensure that employees, customers, and customers’ customers were safe.

    Tune in to this fascinating interview with ABM CMO Cary Bainbridge, where she shares how the company relied on the experts and adapted in real-time to help customers through a time of need. This is a lesson in pivoting under pressure, with great insights for marketers into co-branding, developing essential services, and more.

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • September 24, 2021 9:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Thinkers Unite, Episode 259: B2B Leadership in a Hybrid World

    Ahh, work from home. A concept that became a hashtag overnight as the pandemic shut down offices around the world, relegating entire teams to Zoom squares. Zoom squares that moved away from the area, that enjoyed skipping a long commute, and that were able to maintain high levels of productivity despite the limitations. Zoom squares that nevertheless missed the creative spark that comes from in-person meetings.

    Now that things are opening up again, B2B businesses face a new challenge: figuring out what exactly their new policies will be when it comes to in-office versus remote work. In this episode, Khalid El Khatib of Stack OverflowEllina Shinnick of HUB International, and Mike Brannan of Centric Consulting share how their respective companies have adapted, offering heaps of insights into how to maintain a strong work culture, how to effectively communicate with hybrid teams, and what it means to be a good leader during these ever-changing times. Don’t miss it!

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • September 16, 2021 12:20 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Starting as CMO in the middle of a pandemic is challenging enough. But what about when your new company is spinning off a major chunk of business that will keep the original company name? That’s exactly what Celia Fleischaker confronted when becoming CMO of Verint in September 2020. Her approach provides multiple lessons for b-to-b CMOs.

    To redefine the brand, Fleischaker and her team began with market research among employees, customers, prospects and industry analysts. Zeroing in on the idea of “boundless customer engagement,” the rollout focused initially on employees, making sure they not just understood the new brand story but could and would evangelize about it.

    Customer engagement company consulted with employees and clients before going to market

    Read the full Q&A on Ad Age: How Verint Juggled a Spinoff and Rebranding amid the Pandemic

    Listen to the Episode: Being a Groundbreaking B2B CMO

  • September 10, 2021 6:55 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Thinkers Unite, Episode 257: B2B Branding IS Rocket Science

    If you build it, will they come? Not necessarily, especially not if all coverage and conversation about your brand is negative. Case in point—three years ago, D-Wave Systems had a 30 percent negative brand sentiment in the market, and the brand’s team of quantum physicists all turned to marketing to save the day.

    In this episode, learn how CMO Jennifer Houston faced challenge head on without dwelling on the negative, developing instead a powerful new brand promise to highlight D-Wave’s practical quantum computing capabilities. Effectively decreasing the brand’s negative sentiment from 30 percent to less than 3, this is a remarkable story about the power of B2B branding—don’t miss it!

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • September 03, 2021 1:17 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Thinkers Unite, Episode 256: B2B Branding on a Budget

    No budget, no problem! Said no one ever. Except, maybe, the savvy CMO who’s got the magic touch when it comes to making something out of nothing. As Gartner’s CMO Spend survey showed marketing budgets being slashed across all industries in 2021, marketers are being asked to do more with less—and while that’s absolutely a challenge, CMOs are stepping up to prove how important marketing is.

    Today’s show features three CMO guests at start-ups, two of which had virtually no marketing staff when they came onboard. Tune in to hear a bevy of practical insights into how to stretch a small budget in big ways from Chi-Chi Liang of Alloy, JD Dillon of Tigo Energy, and Luanne Tierney, who had just left her role at Betterworks.

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • August 20, 2021 5:35 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Thinkers Unite, Episode 254: Transforming B2B Customers into Raving Fans

    “When the going gets tough, the tough hug their customers.” That’s the theme that emerged early on in CMO Huddles, and the going at that point in April 2020 surely was tough. As the world shut down, customer retention became a top priority for many B2B brands, with astounding results—customer success strategy revealed itself to be a key growth strategy.

    Customer-centric marketing does not only increase the likelihood of cross-sell and upsell opportunities, it also cultivates a healthy set of customer champions who are more than happy to refer prospects (and what’s more convincing to buy than a glowing customer review?). In today’s episode, CMOs Marshall Poindexter of OpenEye ScientificJakki Geiger (formerly of Reltio), and Simon Schaffer-Goldman of Case Paper cover the ins and outs of building and maintaining great customer relationships—don’t miss it!

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • August 06, 2021 5:51 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Thinkers Unite, Episode 251: B2B Partnership Marketing for the Win! 

    If there’s no partnership experience (PX) function in your organization yet, it’s high time you made one. As this episode’s all-star CMO guests can avow, a well-built and well-maintained partner ecosystem can do a lot for any B2B brand. Not only can it accelerate brand awareness and trust in the market, but a well-run partner marketing program can also directly and exponentially impact both pipeline and revenue.

    In this episode, learn why partnership marketing needs to be taken seriously, with real-world examples to prove it and a slew of incredible insights into both growing and sustaining a powerful partner program from CMOs Denise Vu Broady of AppianMichael Welts of Wasabi, and Melissa Sargeant of Litmus.

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • July 30, 2021 10:50 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Thinkers Unite, Episode 252: Being a Groundbreaking CMO

    No two CMO playbooks are the same, but in all of them, agility is a prereq for success. The best CMOs are able to recognize the unique challenges of their organizations in the context of their growth stage and brand identity (or lack thereof), then develop the foundation for marketing-led, organization-wide success.

    CMO Celia Fleischaker is an expert in the custom build, with previous stints at Epicor and PROS and now taking on a new challenge at Verint, a $1.3 billion company that recently completed a massive spin-off of its cybersecurity services, cementing itself as a pure-play customer engagement brand. Tune in to learn how Celia moved from her past experience for her current one, adapting along the way as needed to deliver a resonant Verint message to inspire employees and customers alike.

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • July 28, 2021 12:29 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    In the B-to-B community, Forrester has enjoyed strong awareness as a premium purveyor of expertise, but not so much for marketing its own brand. So, when Forrester acquired SiriusDecisions, another B-to-B research and advisory firm beloved for its “demand waterfall,” the executive team decided it was time to get its marketing act together and brought in CMO Shirley Macbeth to do just that.

    Since Macbeth began in March 2020, just before lockdown, Forrester introduced a new product portfolio, “Forrester Decisions”; launched an employee orientation campaign, “Bold at Work;” and re-engineered its marketing to mirror the waterfall approach it preached to its customers. It also radically simplified its tech stack, pared down its persona list, re-oriented its employees on the new brand and no longer resemble the cobbler’s shoeless children.

    CMO discusses new a product portfolio, an employee orientation campaign and paring the list of customer personas

    Read the full Q&A on Ad Age: How Forrester Began Practicing the Marketing It Preaches

    Listen to the Episode: Forrester CMO on Practicing What You Preach

  • July 16, 2021 1:25 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Thinkers Unite, Episode 249: B2B Brand Consolidation Done Right

    It takes special care to brew a post-acquisition stew. B2B brands need to determine how to properly blend the newly acquired brand into the established mix without jeopardizing the integrity of the branded house, and without losing the equity and loyal customer base of its sub-brand.

    In today’s episode, CMOs Grant Johnson of EmburseKevin Ruane of Precisely, and Joshua Leatherman of Service Express share how they’ve successfully consolidated newly acquired brands, reflecting on best practices and mistakes made around the B2B world as companies work to build branded house empires. Tune in for a ton of great tips for B2B brand consolidation, from how to measure the value of an acquired brand to how to protect SEO equity in the process.

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

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