CMO Huddles

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A panel of Huddlers discuss the hottest B2B marketing topics, live!

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Read Q&As with the top B2B marketers today in Drew's Ad Age column. 

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  • June 02, 2022 10:09 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Ask chief marketing officers about their top challenges, and they’re likely to include recruiting affordable talent. Even for lateral moves, employees are being lured by massive salary increases, and candidates who have already accepted jobs have walked away in favor of a higher offer.

    To address this chaos, David Kirven, CMO of data management platform Reltio, has made employee retention a top priority. His efforts include involving employees in Reltio’s repositioning initiative, making brand values part of every meeting, recharge days and weekly coffee chats with the CEO. Kirven also offers recruits “step-up” roles—versus lateral positions—and supports those new employees with mentors.

    Reltio CMO on recharge days, coffees with the CEO and mentors for new employees

    Read the full Q&A on Ad Age: Employee Retention—How a Data Company Is Responding to the ‘Great Resignation'

    Listen to the Episode: Recruit, Retain, Rejoice: Upping Employee Experience

  • May 31, 2022 12:57 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 294: All Roads Lead to Measurement: How to Future-Proof B2B Marketing

    Here’s a riddle for you: If marketing grew the business but nobody was around to measure it, did it really happen? No matter what side of this philosophical query you stand on, let’s face it: No one is going to take marketing seriously if they can’t quantify it with data.

    Put any two B2B metrics dashboards side by side, and you’ll soon find that there is no one-size-fits-all way to prove marketing’s value—but there is a lot to learn by observing what’s working for others.

    In this episode of Renegade Marketers Unite, CMOs Chris Willis of AcrolinxTara Robertson of Teamwork, and Karl Van den Bergh of Gigamon each share how they evolved marketing metrics at their organizations. Tune in to learn all kinds of amazing takes on the world of measurement, including:

    • Why a CMO should be a CPO (Chief Pipeline Officer), too
    • How to use the innovative Sales Velocity formula
    • Tips on how to measure the unmeasurable
    • Why you need to ditch revenue as a leading indicator, and more!
    For full show notes and transcripts, visit 
  • May 13, 2022 6:15 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 292: B2B Innovation is a Learned Muscle

    Ah, innovation. The buzzword of every company striving to be different, daring, and bold. But what the heck does it actually look like to innovate? And how can a CMO get their teams to start innovating in a way that actually yields growth (i.e., not just quirky ideas in brainstorming meetings)?

    Carla Johnson is the perfect person to walk us through her foolproof formula for innovation that moves the needle. She’s a 10x author, and her most recent book RE:Think Innovation busts the myth that innovation requires any special degrees, training, or skills.

    The key takeaway from this interview is that innovation is a learned muscle, and Carla lays out how the exercises every CMO can use to shape their own innovation powers AND build a team filled with strong innovators. This episode of Renegade Marketers Unite is not to be missed.

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit 
  • May 06, 2022 5:48 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 291: How Are Your New Year's Resolutions Going? 

    Ahh, the New Year’s resolution—easily made but oft forgot. Today’s episode of Renegade Marketers Unite is here to remind you to check in on the promises you made at the beginning of the year. It’s here to recall the importance of reflection and growth at all times, not just once a year.

    Tune in to hear from three all-star marketers about the lessons they learned in 2021 and planned to bring in to 2022. This conversation is equally timely and timeless, with insights into human-first marketing, battling digital fatigue, auditing MarTech, rethinking lead gen, not letting fear hold you back, and much, much more.

    The aforementioned all-star marketers:

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit 

  • April 29, 2022 5:33 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 290: Two Drews Tackle Top CMO Challenges

    CMOs have a lot on their minds lately, so let’s get into the mind of one, shall we? Or, even better, let’s get into the mind of host Drew Neisser, as he hosts a conversation with himself (is this what it feels like to be in his head?!) on all the things CMOs are thinking about right now and how they’re solving them.

    Sourced from the conversations happening at CMO Huddles, Drew (and Drew) cover everything from employee retention to proving brand value to managing a messy inbox, providing useful takeaways you can implement today. After this episode, even the busiest CMO will know how to reclaim 10+ hours of their time per week (Seriously!) and work more effectively than ever.

    Want to learn more about our CMO Huddles community? This just skims the surface of what top B2B CMOs of today are solving together...come join us!

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit 

  • April 22, 2022 8:39 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Regular Huddles | Topic: Demand Gen

    • Transition Team: May 3rd, 1-2pm ET
    • Huddle A:  May 3rd, 4-5pm ET
    • Huddle B: May 6th, 11-12pm ET
    • Huddle C: May 10th, 12-1pm ET
    • Huddle D: May 11th, 5-6pm ET
    • Make Good: May 12th, 1-2pm ET

    Bonus Huddle | Rethinking GTM with Sangram Vajre (former CEO of Terminus)

    • Bonus Huddle: May 17th, 12-1pm ET
  • April 22, 2022 5:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 289: Auth0 Marketing VP on Developing Developer Love

    Developers don’t want to be marketed to, you say? Kerry Ok, SVP of Marketing for Auth0 is here to prove you wrong. From day one, Auth0’s marketing mandate wasn’t about building pipeline or demand gen, it was about building trust and relationships with a vibrant community that loves learning, discussion, and things that make their lives easier.

    Talk about renegade marketing—this episode is all about shirking traditional B2B marketing tactics in exchange for far more powerful and engaging ones (that just so happen to yield an 80% YoY increase in unaided awareness). From building a strong customer community to gamifying internal comms to getting silly with Loggie the anti-mascot, tune in for a fascinating episode about what courageous marketing really looks like.

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • April 15, 2022 11:45 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 288: Forrester’s Ross Graber on Perfecting the CMO Dashboard 

    CMOs and marketing metric fiends–this is the episode for you.

    Forrester VP and Principal Analyst Ross Graber joins us on this “Bonus Huddle” episode to enlighten us on which metrics should be on every CMO dashboard–and which should be left off. He shares formulas for calculating important metrics like marketing revenue lift, how to turn seemingly flimsy marketing concepts like “value add” into a solid metric, and how CMOs can set proper expectations for their CEOs.

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • April 08, 2022 10:47 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 287: 3 Savvy CMOs Share SaaS Marketing Secrets

    SaaS is a 145 billion dollar industry that touches almost every aspect of our work lives. Even this podcast is brought to you by SaaS—a collection of 7+ tools to record, publish, and house countless marketing insights.

    You’d be hard-pressed to find a successful software product right now that isn’t either fully SaaS or migrating to it. There are 35,000 SaaS products from over 15,000 companies competing in over 740 vertical markets, which means there’s a noteworthy number of CMOs out there navigating a competitive market with massive growth potential.

    To help us understand what makes SaaS marketing such a distinct challenge are CMOs Grant Johnson of EmburseAli McCarthy of Skience, and former CMO of BynderAndrew Hally (he’s now CMO at Markforged). Tune in to hear how these CMOs have navigated the choppy waters of marketing SaaS and how they are using their past experiences to inform future decisions.

    For full show notes and transcripts, visit

  • April 08, 2022 10:21 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    For Sitecore CMO Paige O’Neill, the arrival of a new CEO, the acquisition of four companies and a near doubling of the employee base in just 18 months meant one thing: It was time for the customer experience management company to rebrand.

    “With all the change, rapid expansion of our product portfolio, and new team members, it seemed like the right time to check in on our brand purpose and refresh our brand identity,” O’Neill said.

    Sitecore project was shaped by customers’ desire to stand out digitally

    Read the full Q&A on Ad Age: How Rebrand Followed Rapid Growth for Customer Experience Management Company

    Listen to the Episode: B2B Virtual Events Done Better | Interview Questions that Build Better Marketing Teams | Advice for CMOs in Their First 100 Days

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