CMO Huddles

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  • September 29, 2023 11:34 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 364: Ace the Interview: B2B CMO Edition

    “Tell me about yourself.” This vague, clichéd interview question can be answered in a lot of different ways. Executive coach Jacob Warwick is here to tell you the best way, especially if you’re looking to land your next CMO role.

    In this riveting CMO Huddles Career Huddle replay, Jacob shares his top interviewing tips and tricks, like how to be assertive, why you should lean into your competition, and how to approach compensation conversations. For those eyeing the CMO chair – a position known for its fleeting tenure – this episode is essential listening. Immerse yourself and gear up for success!

    What You’ll Learn  

    • How to align your skills with the goals of the org
    • The top mistakes made in executive interviews
    • How to approach the compensation question
    For full show notes and transcripts, visit
  • September 21, 2023 11:32 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 363: MarTech Meets AI: Integration Insights

    AI has become the secret weapon for many marketing teams. In the MarTech world, this goes one step further: many MarTech CMOs are not only embracing AI but pioneering its integration.

    Three such CMOs are Adriana Gil Miner of IterableChristopher Willis of Acrolinx, and Andrew Bennett of Smartsheet. In this episode, we bring them together so they can share how they’re marketing the AI that’s making their respective products that much more powerful. Tune in to deep dive into their strategies for rising above the AI buzz, leveraging PR, community engagement, word-of-mouth campaigns, and the myriad ways their teams are harnessing AI.

    All three have led impressive strategic initiatives at their respective orgs, and in this conversation, they share the behind the scenes work that it takes to get there. Tune in to as they share how to navigate corporate dynamics, win over the skeptics, and get consensus for the big ideas that will move the needle.

    What You’ll Learn  

    • How 3 CMOs are augmenting their products with AI
    • How to cut through the noise when marketing AI
    • How marketing teams are using AI
    For full show notes and transcripts, visit
  • September 15, 2023 5:53 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 362: From Pitch to Practice: Getting Organizational Buy-In for Strategic Initiatives

    All aboard! If you want to bring any strategic vision to fruition, you need to bring everyone along with you—from the CEO, to the executive team, to employees throughout the org. That’s what we explore in today’s episode with CMOs Melanie Marcus of SurescriptsGrant Johnson of Billtrust, and Lauren Boyman of KPMG US.

    All three have led impressive strategic initiatives at their respective orgs, and in this conversation, they share the behind the scenes work that it takes to get there. Tune in to as they share how to navigate corporate dynamics, win over the skeptics, and get consensus for the big ideas that will move the needle.

    What You’ll Learn  

    • How 3 CMOs led large strategic initiatives
    • How to get buy-in from the C-Suite and the board
    • How to get employees excited about your brand’s new direction
    For full show notes and transcripts, visit
  • September 01, 2023 7:57 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 360: Drew's Takeaways: Augmenting CMO Productivity with GenAI

    Here’s a little secret: This Drew-on-Drew episode was not entirely human-made. We did have two real Drews, yes, and our production crew surely played a role throughout the entire, multi-step podcast-making process. But we made all of it a little easier with transcription bots, AI content generators, and AI video editors.

    And that’s the theme of this episode. Generative AI is here to help make processes a little bit easier for B2B marketers. To help sort through content for a first draft, to create at a higher capacity, to save you time so you can dedicate more of it to high-level strategy.  

    Tune in to hear from Drew how B2B marketers are using AI now, how it’s evolving, and what great thought leaders like Forrester and McKinsey are saying about future of AI. Plus, Drew shares a list of his top AI thought leaders and conferences. Check it out!    

    What You’ll Learn 

    • How B2B CMOs are using AI for content and design  
    • Exciting future uses of AI 
    • Who to follow to keep up with AI  
  • August 25, 2023 8:28 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 359: ICP VIPs: How 3 B2B CMOs Tighten Targets 

    A full funnel doesn’t always = revenue. B2B marketers know this, and CMOs are really feeling it as marketing budgets are growingly contingent on dwindling lead funnels. But there’s hope—what if the line from prospect to lifetime customer might be as simple as I-C-P?

    The Ideal Customer Profile helps B2B businesses determine truly qualified leads, those who are most likely to pay for your product or service, get the most value of it, and remain a loyal customer in the long term.

    In this episode, three powerhouse CMOs share how they identified their ICPs and mastered the art of refining and sharpening them. Through the lens of their experiences, we’ll delve into the intricate process of zeroing in on those pivotal targets that can transform a company’s trajectory.

    Tune in to snag all the wisdom from Kaycee Kalpin of PremierJanet Jaiswal of Cloudbeds, and Jan Deahl of Drake Star.

    What You’ll Learn 

    • How 3 CMOs have identified & narrowed their ICP 
    • How to manage & market multiple ICPs 
    • How to use data to further refine your targeting efforts
  • August 18, 2023 10:19 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 358: B2B GTM Shepherds: From Pipeline Dreams to Revenue Reality

    If marketing wants to have a strategic seat at the table, CMOs need to be in the business of marketing (opposed to marketing the business). Effective CMOs with sway create markets. They unite the C-Suite as one. They shepherd in the Go-To-Market (GTM) strategies that grow the business.

    In this episode, we explore the core elements that make a B2B GTM strategy truly effective with three renowned B2B marketers: Bryan Law of ZoomInfoAmanda Malko of G2, and Sangram Vajre of GTM PartnersThey share what it takes to build strong B2B GTM motions, the telltale signs of a faulty strategy, and why NRR (Net Revenue Retention) should probably be your new favorite metric.

    Join us as we unravel these insights and more, ensuring you walk away with actionable takeaways to supercharge your B2B GTM strategies.

    What You’ll Learn 

    • How B2B CMOs can build and improve strong GTM motions 
    • Signs your GTM is broken  
    • Why NRR should be your new metric
  • August 11, 2023 11:30 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 357: Going Global: An International Starter Pack

    Have product-market fit, will travel. 

    International expansion is an exciting B2B growth opportunity, but marketers have a mind-boggling set of variables to consider. From relocating headquarters to navigating language barriers to engaging analysts, there’s a lot to manage. Luckily, this episode with Jacques BotbolOlga Noha, and Dean Nicolls dives into what it takes to take a brand global without getting lost in translation.  

    Tune in as we hear from three experienced international marketers who know how to go the extra mile.

    What You’ll Learn 

    • How 3 B2B marketers navigate international expansions 
    • How to structure and manage global teams 
    • How to translate brand and communications across languages
    For full show notes and transcripts, visit
  • August 04, 2023 6:23 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 356: Compassionate CMO Leaders... Unite!

    Purpose. Perspective. Power up. People. Positivity.

    These are Dalia Feldheim’s 5P’s of compassionate leadership, which she laid out in a powerful Bonus Huddle about how CMOs can be better bosses, or, as Dalia put it in her book of the same name: Dare to lead like a girl.

    With a collection of inspiring and heartfelt stories across an illustrious career, Dalia is set on inspiring better businesses and work cultures through focusing on individual strengths, positivity, and compassion. This is an episode dedicated to great leadership, founded by a strong purpose: “To put the hearts of your people in the heart of what you do.”

    What You’ll Learn 

    • How to be a better, more compassionate leader 
    • Why goal setting is so important 
    • How to overcome biases in the workplace
    For full show notes and transcripts, visit
  • July 28, 2023 10:02 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 355: The B2B Board Management Episodes

    Welcome to THE board management episode for B2B CMOs.

    There's a lot of pressure when it comes to managing the board. It’s up to the CMO to ensure that marketing has a strategic seat at the table, to show the board marketing’s impact on revenue and build a business case for the budget.

    That’s why we brought in two veteran CMOs, Bernd Leger of Cornerstone OnDemand and Jamie Gier of DexCare, to share their learnings from managing both public and private boards. Tune in to learn everything you need to know about board management, from how to build great board relationships, to which metrics to bring to the table, to what not to do in the boardroom!

    What You’ll Learn  

        • How to build great board relationships 
        • How to ensure marketing has a strategic seat at the table 
        • Which marketing metrics matter to the board
        For full show notes and transcripts, visit
      • July 20, 2023 10:01 AM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

        Listen Here | From Renegade Marketers Unite, Episode 354: The Revenue Acceleration Playbook  

        What is a surefire way to snuff out any interest from a potential B2B buyer? A product pitch. Unfortunately, our brains are wired to pitch, so it’s going to take a collective effort and a lot of practice to rewire how you talk to your customers and prospects in market.

        Enter Brent Keltner, President of Winalytics LLC and author of The Revenue Acceleration Playbook. He joined a recent Bonus Huddle to share how to develop your own revenue acceleration playbook, hit personalization at scale, and collect the customer stories that people really want to hear.

        If you find this conversation insightful and would like to participate in these Q&As in real time, check out

        What You’ll Learn  

          • How 3 CMOs evolved ABM programs at their organizations 
          • Why you need clean data for successful ABM 
          • How ABM can redefine the marketing function
          For full show notes and transcripts, visit

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